Two things come to mind when I listen to The Four Lads, singing Standing on the Corner, my brother and his friends in the front parlor during the fifties and the boys under the streetlight doing their do-op routines later in the same decade. The names of groups change, the decade changes, still the basics remain.
This more recent "tune" brings only one person and event to mind. Jennifer next to me traveling down A1A to Key West.
From the forties and fifties big bands, early rock 'n roll, do-op and acapella on the street corner, to X-er's looking like the modern rendition of the Temptations or the Four Tops.
Music brings me the people I love, takes me to those times in my past, the places and events that are the signposts of my life, the fond or sad memories, all so good to hear.
Capture the muse,
Hold it for a moment.
Send it out to someone
You love,
hahahaha! how cool, thanks mom.